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W.C 4/1/22


Today we are focusing on comparing money. Complete the starter sheet. This is a recap of what we completed before term. You can also complete the board game too if you fancy a challenge. Watch this video and complete the attached worksheet for comparing money.


Reading comprehension/Phonics:

Complete the Princess and the Pea reading comprehension as the starter task. Today we are focusing on plurals and adding 's'. We have looked at adding ies, es and s. Today we are recapping the basics. Have a look on the PowerPoint. I would like you to change the words to plurals. Can you put three of these plurals into sentences?



Today we are going to be completing a cold write. A cold write is what we complete at the start of term where children write independently with no support. Our topic this term is the Great Fire of London. I would like you to watch this video and then I would like you to imagine you were in the Great Fire of London. I would like you to notice what is different about this video. I would like you to write a diary entry from the perspective of someone who lived in there 1666 when the Great Fire of London happened. Think about how you felt, what did you smell, feel, taste, touch and see.



This term we are going to be creating our own tudor house similar to the ones in the Great Fire of London. Children today are going to be first designing their own fantasy building. This can be made out of anything you like! The crazier the better. It could be made out of sweets, chocolate, lego, jelly or playdough! Your fantasy building also needs to have magical features. I want you to design your fantasy building and label the different parts.


Wednesday 5th January:

Maths- Year 1:

Today we are focusing on ordering numbers. First of all, I would like you to complete the fluent in five day 1. After that, please watch the video teaching the learning objective and complete the sheet attached.



Maths - Year 2:

Today we are focusing on finding the total in money. First of all, I would like you to complete the fluent in five day 2.Then please complete the recap sheets from yesterday. After that, then watch the video teaching the learning objective and complete the worksheet attached. Video link ->



Today we have PE with Tony so I would like you to complete these Joe Wicks workouts at home.



Today we are starting our new topic in Science, all about animals and creatures! Have a look at the clips here to explain the different types of animals then have a read of the powerpoint attached. I would like you to create a poster about one type of animal classification. Remember to include fun pictures and facts!



Year 1:

Today we are recapping the phase 5 sounds. Have a look at the PowerPoint and pronounce them to your grown up. We are focusing on 'wh' and 'ph' today. Have a think about some words with these sounds in, for example phone. I would like you to complete the activities on the PowerPoint. The first one is optional. It is a search game where children need to search for the dolphins in the house and illustrate the word. The next one is a board game.



We are going to be learning about London in English. Have a look at the PowerPoint and complete the activities. We are focusing on writing sentences in the present tense about a London landmark.

Thursday 6th January


Today is computing day! I would like you to have a look at the PowerPoint. We are going to be creating some impressionist art. On Purple Mash, you will have a 2do as '2 paint a picture'. The PowerPoint explains the steps to complete an impressionist picture.


Phonics- Year 1

Today we are recapping the ay sound. Which other ways can you spell this sound? I would like you to watch the Geraldine the Giraffe video. I would like you to write down the words that he says with the 'ay' sound. Can you put sound buttons on these and put these words into sentences?


Phonics- Year 2

Today we are focusing on sound buttons. I would like you to look at the attached picture of words. Can you put sound buttons on these words? If you see the word such as 'action' remember that 'tion' is a sound therefore one line needs to be put underneath it. If you see a split digraph, for example a-e, then you need to draw the smiley face line underneath. Once you've completed the sound buttons, can you group the words that have certain sounds in?



Year 1 - I would like you to complete fluent in five day 4 please from the booklet from yesterday. Today we are going to learn how to add by counting on. Click this video link to guide you through the lesson.  Then complete the worksheet.


Year 2 - I would like you to complete fluent in five day 4 please from the booklet from yesterday. Today we are going to learn how to find the difference. Click on this video link

 to guide you through the lesson objective. Then complete the sheet attached.


Literacy- Year 1 and 2

Today we are going to start reading the book 'The Great Fire of London- Anniversary edition'. This book is attached in the resourse section. I would like you to read pages 4-7 today. The GFOL was over 350 years ago in 1666. Watch this video (which we looked at the other day) to describe how London was in 1666. . I would like you to write a sentence using this format -> In 1666, London was busy. I would like you to choose an adjective to describe London in 1666. We are writing in the past tense, therefore we need to use 'was' instead of 'is'. Now have a think about London today. How has it changed over time?  I would like you to write sentences comparing London in the past and present using a colour to represent each. When writing our comparison sentence, we are going to use a conjunction. A conjunction joins a sentence together, for example 'but'. An example of a comparison sentence would be: In 1666 buildings were made of wood, but now they are made of concrete, glass and other materials. I would like you to write three of these sentences comparing how London has changed.






Year 1 - In Maths today, we are focusing on using number bonds to add. Complete day 5 from the fluent in five booklet please. Then watch this video to guide you through the learning objective

Year 2 - 

In Maths today, we are finding change. Complete day 5 from the fluent in five booklet please. Then watch this video to guide you through the learning objective. . If you fancy a challenge, could you set up your own shop and work out the change for items?




Year 2- today we are focusing on the prefix un. Have a look at the PowerPoint to guide you through the learning objective. Then, I would like you to draw a prefix flower. I would like you to draw a flower and in the middle you need to put 'un' (the prefix) and on the petals you need to put the root words on the petals. Have a look at the picture below for an example.



Today your task is set on Purple Mash. I would like you to recall the events of the Great Fire of London. Have a look at this video to help you. You can drag the pictures and write sentences about each task on the 2do.



Today we are going to be completing some music. I would like you to complete the 2sequence task where you explore with the instruments. Have an experiment with the sounds. Can you create a musical sequence similar to a song? For example, the Harry Potter theme tune.


Golden time:

Today is Golden time so you can complete an activity that you enjoy!
