Have a go at today's arithmetic questions. Remember to check you answers using the animations.
Today we are going to continue our learning on changing improper fractions to mixed numbers.
Please use the audio clips on the PowerPoint then complete the task.
NOTE: To play the audio clips, please take the presentation out of full screen and hover the mouse over the icon. A play button will appear underneath.
Please follow the link to the lesson focusing on suffixes.
We are finishing our learning on possessive apostrophes.
Please follow the link to complete the lesson.
On Wednesday, we would normally have PE. Why not try one of the following links to PE that you could do at home.
Cosmic Yoga
Joe Wicks
Dance with Oti Mabuse
For French today, we are going to have a recap of the school subjects and learn the days of the week.
Your lesson and task are on the PowerPoint attached.