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Today we are going to look at how fractions, decimals and percentages can be equivalent to each other. 

Please watch the video below:


Today we are going to learn more about the different features of poems and use them to plan ideas for our own poem that we will be writing tomorrow. 


Today we are continuing our learning on synonyms and antonyms. 

Have another look at the PowerPoint if you need a reminder then complete the task. 


Today we are going to look at a creation story from West Africa. 

This is called the Bini creation story. 

I would like you to read the story, then use the story board to retell it in your own words. 

When you have finished, I would like you to think about the Christian creation story of Adam and Eve, how are these two stories similar and different? Why do you think there may be similarities based on everything we have learnt about West Africa and Benin this half term? 
