For your Big Write today, I would like you to imagine you have found this small door. You are going to go through it. What will you see at the other side? I would like you to write a diary entry about your day. Could you be taken to another land? Could you be turned into something small? Could you turn into a different creature? Could you explore a forest with Alice in Wonderland? These are just some ideas. Have a look at the picture below.
For Maths, we are recapping the three times tables. I would like you to watch the video and complete the activity.
For Geography, we are going to be looking at aerial views. Have a look at the PowerPoint and complete the activities.
For EGPS, we are recapping using regular past tense verbs. I would like you to read the extract 'Axel gets bored'. I would like you to highlight/underline all the words you can see with the 'ed' suffix. Then, I would like you to complete the activity sheet.