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Rufford Class

Welcome to our class!


This is us on our recent trip to Cannon Hall Museum.
Have a look below for more pictures of our fantastic day!

What have we been up to...

Rufford Class had a wonderful day visiting Cannon Hall Museum as part of our topic about the Victorians. We washed, polished, swept, churned, chopped, baked...  it was hard work being servants in the big house.

Our next job is to get ready for our class assembly on Thursday 14th July.

A week in Rufford Class

Mrs Wood is the teacher on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Mrs Summers is the teacher on Thursday and Friday

The mornings always have a phonics session, a Literacy lesson, Numeracy lesson an assembly and breaktime.

The afternoons have lots of different lessons often based around the current topic.

Monday - Phonics - Literacy - Numeracy - R.E. - P.E.

Tuesday - Phonics - Numeracy - Literacy - Topic

Wednesday - Phonics - Literacy - Numeracy - PSHE - ICT

Thursday - Phonics - Numeracy - Literacy - Topic - P.E.

Friday - Phonics - Literacy - Numeracy - Music - Golden Time

Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!