This week, we are concentrating on recapping our learning this half term and are focusing on multiplication and division. Remember to log on to Times Tables Rockstars to practise your times tables - this is so important! I have uploaded some really useful videos relating to multiplying by 10 and 100. Once you have watched the videos, have a go at the tasks and see how you get on. You can send photos to the class email address if you would like some feedback - I would love to see how you are doing!
In PHSE we are looking at inclusion and discussing how we can create an inclusive environment wherever we are, with support from the Premier League Primary Stars. Watch the video below and think about your ideas of inclusion and how you think you do this already. Then, using the inclusion PowerPoint, read the scenarios and answer the key questions relating to whether it is fair or not and how people could act differently. You can write these answers down or discuss them with someone else in your family.
We are discussing mountains in Geography and are studying the Himalayas in more detail. Using the PowerPoint to help you, read about the mountain range and then write a letter or a postcard home from the Himalayas. Send me your writing and remember you can also illustrate it if you wish to do so!
I hope you got on well with yesterday's work! Today, we are going to focus on recapping our dividing by 10 and 100 using the attached videos. Then, similarly to yesterday, have a go at the worksheets. If you don't have access to a printer don't worry - you could just write the answers to the relevant numbered question on a sheet of plain paper and email that to our class email address instead.
We are debating moral dilemmas in English - what is a moral dilemma? We will be discussing different scenarios today. Have a think; what would you do if you saw a friend cheating on a test? They are your friend, so you don't want to get them into trouble. But, equally, you know that cheating is wrong and they shouldn't be doing it. How would you react?
Have a look at the attached video relating to the suffix '-ful' as we are also discussing this in English. Can you think of examples of words that use this suffix?
Finally, we are discussing paired adjectives in our GPS lesson, as well as practising the weekly spellings. Go back to the spelling page from Friday 27th November - can you spell all of these words correctly? Try to write some sentences that include the words, as well as including some paired adjectives too! Have a look at the link below to understand more about paired adjectives - there are some quiz questions to have a go at as well.
Today we are completing our end of term maths assessment. I have attached the test for you to have a go at, as well as the answers to be able to mark your work when you have finished. Let me know how you get on!
In ICT, we are using the time to work on Times Tables Rockstars. Log in to your account and have a go too - you could even challenge other class members to a battle!
In English, we are writing descriptions of Ganesh. Have a look at the information about Ganesh and see if you can create some of your own descriptive words and phrases. Can you use a thesaurus to improve your word choices?
Finally, we will be completing some more guided reading activities, so go back to your reading log from last week and see if you can tick off a few more tasks.
Have a great day!
Today, we will be spending time going through the assessments and recapping what we have already learnt in GPS and maths. Therefore, I have uploaded a range of videos for you to have a look at that will recap the ideas that we will be covering in class. Have a go at any activities or tasks on each video and it would be great if you could email me with your work!
I hope you have been getting on well so far this week! Today, we will be learning about area in Maths and discussing the area of different shapes and what unit of measurement we use. Have a look at the attached videos and PowerPoint to help you, and then try the worksheets. I love the Spongebob one most! If you can't print the sheets don't worry - just write the answers on paper and email them over.
In Big Write we will be writing a story. This will be a story set in India, but other than that you can choose what the story is! Use the attached criteria to assess your work - have you included good punctuation, accurate spellings and relevant vocabulary and structure?
Then, in Science, we will be starting to learn about electricity and circuits. Have a look at the game on electrical safety within the home and then view the circuits video. Let me know what you have learnt!
Thank you for all of your hard work this week, have a lovely weekend.