Hello Welbeck Class, Parents and Carers,
Next week, the children will complete their statutory assessments. There is no need for any of the children to panic. I know that they will try their best and that is all we expect from them. For your information, below is a breakdown of the tests.
Monday 13th- English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling.
Tuesday 14th- Reading
Wednesday 15th- Arithmetic and Reasoning paper 2
Thursday 16th- Reasoning paper 3.
Please can I remind you to send your child to school with a water bottle. It is also important that children get plenty of sleep next week and have breakfast each morning.
There will be no tests on Friday. Swimming will take place as usual.
No homework this week. Spend the weekend doing something that you enjoy and make sure you take some time to relax.
Reading Diaries
Reading books and diaries should be handed in at the start of each day. Children should be reading at least three days a week and an adult should be recording this in their diary. We are seeing a number of children forget their diaries on a daily basis. Please continue to remind your child about the importance of bringing it to school daily.
Times Tables
Please continue to encourage your child to practise their times tables at home. At this point, all Y6 children should confidently recall all times tables facts up to 12x 12.
Year 6 Celebration
Last week you should have received a letter about the celebration evening on Friday 19th July. Staff are already working hard on preparing for the event. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Dates for your diary
13th-16th May- SATs week
24th May- Inset Day
3rd- 7th June- Residential
3rd & 4th July- Y6 transition to Portland and Valley
5th July- Sports Day
19th July- Y6 celebration evening (more information to follow shortly)
26th July- 2pm- Leavers assembly (grown-ups welcome to attend)
Have a wonderful weekend,
Miss Tomlinson