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Spelling Test


Today, we will be doing our weekly spelling test. I have filmed the spelling test for your so you can complete it at home. Please take a picture of your test and send it to Clumber's email, so I can add it to your spelling records.




Times Table Test


Today, we will be doing our weekly times table test. I have filmed the test for your so you can complete it at home. Please take a picture of your test and send it to Clumber's email, so I can add it to your times table test records.





This week in maths, we will be focusing on our new topic - Fractions.


For maths today, we will be learning how to recognise and find a third. The listen will be split into two parts.


The first part of the lesson we will be learning how to recognise a third. Please watch the video and complete the worksheet.




The second part of the lesson we will be learning how to find a third. Again, please watch the video and complete the worksheet.





This week in English, we are going to re-write the 'Stone Age Boy'. Today, we are going to focus on the ending of our story.


As we are re-writing the 'Stone Age Boy', we still need use the story but add in extra details to make it even more exciting. If you can't remember the beginning of the story, I have attached the PowerPoint below. 


For the ending, we need to think about how we could make the ending exciting. You might want to leave it on a cliff hanger or you might want to finish the story.


I have written my own example of the first paragraph. Please read it and have a go at yours. Please write 2 paragraphs explain the boy in the cave and how he go home. Remember you are writing in first person, as if you were the boy.


My example:


The cave was magnificent. I have never seen anything so amazing and interesting before. The paintings looked alive in the glowing, amber fire. I thought they were running quickly around the cave. It was mesmorising! Om asked me if I wanted to paint on the cold, rocky walls of the cave. I was extremely excited and it took me a while to think about what to draw as I wanted it to be perfect.



In RE, we are going be learning about the Easter story and Christianity. 


Today, I would like your to watch a video about two Christian children called Nathan and Lara. They will explain how they celebrate Easter and some of the things they do to mark Good Friday and Easter Sunday.




After you have watched the video, I would like you to answer these questions. You can discuss your answers with a family member or you can write your answers down.



What do the children do?

What do the clergy do?

How do Nathan and Lara feel on Palm Sunday?

How do Nathan and Lara feel on Good Friday?

How do Nathan and Lara feel on Easter Sunday?

Golden Time - Optional


On a Friday afternoon, Clumber Class have golden time. They get an hour to relax and complete fun, mindfulness activities. For today's activity, there is a worksheet with a range of activities. Once you have picked your activity, you will need to click on the blue title and it will take you straight to the activity page.
