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In Maths today we are recapping our times tables knowledge. Now that we have come to the end of the year, you should feel like you know all of your times tables up to 12x12. You can use some of this time working on Times Tables Rockstars if you wish, completing games and activities on there and taking part in the timed tests on Studio mode. Then, have a look at some of the fun activities below which you could print off and have a go at if you are able to access a printer. If not, why don't you try and make your own multiplication mosaic picture? Or practise writing all of your times tables on some paper? 


If you feel that you need more activities to try, please email me and let me know. 



Take a look at the statutory spellings document below. These are words that you should now be able to spell and use accurately within a sentence. Task 1 is to look through these words and ensure that you understand the meaning of each one. If not, use a dictionary to help you. If you don't have access to a paper dictionary, you can use the online version instead. 


Once you have done this, try to write a short story that includes a range of these words that are used in the right context. The subject of the story is completely up to you, but you will have to think carefully about how you could incorporate these words. Can you include more than 5? 10? 20? Highlight the words you have used once you have finished and then count them up to see how well you did smiley



In PSHE today we are going to be focusing on new beginnings and our hopes for the future. This is the last week that you will be in Thoresby Class, but there are a whole new set of challenges and experiences waiting for you on the other side of the summer holidays. For some of you, this will feel very daunting and not something you are looking forward to. Others of you may feel ready for a change and some new challenges! It is absolutely OK to feel a range of different emotions about moving into a new class, but you need to be sure to share your thoughts or worries with someone so that you don't feel like you are facing them alone.


Can you have a discussion with your grown up or someone in your household about how you feel about moving to Year 5? Always remember I am here if you would like to speak to me, just email the class email address and I can organise to give you a ring to talk things through smiley


The task in PSHE today is to think about what you would like to achieve next year. Before you do this, spend some time reflecting on what you have already achieved in Year 4. Perhaps you got your pen license or made amazing improvements in Maths. It might be that you feel much more resilient or confident than you did when you first arrived in Thoresby Class. All of you have achieved so much and it is super important to say a big well done to yourselves and appreciate how far you have come. 


Then, once you have done this, think about things you feel you still want to achieve during your primary school life. Maybe you want to become more confident speaking in front of the class or would like to improve your weekly spelling scores. Whatever it is, I want to hear about it! Create yourself a poster of everything you would like to achieve next year and, if you can, think about what you may have to do in order to achieve these goals. 

Sports Day


Today is our rearranged Sports Day so take some time to complete some of your own exercise! We will be doing a running race, the egg and spoon race and a skipping race. Could you practise some skipping at home or do some balancing activities? Try and see if you can run with a cup of water without spilling any or balance a cushion on your head and see how far you get before it falls off! I think it would be brilliant if you could get your grown ups to join in with you and create your own races - let me know how you get on, although I think I already know what the result would be...
