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Morning Task


Please have a go at todays arithmetic task. You may take as long as you need on the questions.



For today's starter activity, I would like you to complete the White Rose activity about dividing with reminders. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil. Please follow the video and complete the activities when you have been asked to do so.




After you have completed the activity, you can start the main activity. Today we are learning about reminders and how to find them on a number line. Please watch the video which will explain the method. Again, you will need a pencil, a piece of paper  and the worksheet for this activity.





For our English lesson today, we will be learning about a different type of poem. The poem is called a 'Haiku'.


A Haiku poem is only 3 lines long. However, each line has a certain about of syllables that need to be in it.


Line 1: 5 syllables

Line 2: 7 syllables

Line 3: 5 syllables


For todays lesson, we will be learning what a Haiku is and then brainstorming ideas for our own Haiku poem. We will be writing the poem tomorrow!


Please watch the video to learn about Haiku poems. After, please complete the planning sheet. Remember you are only brainstorming ideas, you are not writing your poem.

What is a Haiku poem?

Still image for this video




Today in science, we will be learning all about the different types of bones we have in our bodies. We will be focusing on the scientific names for the bones. Can you remember the common names for the bones from last weeks lesson?


Please watch the video. It introduces the different bones and their scientific names.


Afterwards, please use the PowerPoint to learn the scientific names. This will help you with your worksheet.

Bones and their scientific names

Still image for this video



For todays lesson, we will be learning the colours in French. Please use the PowerPoint to help you. If you click on the sound, it will pronoun the colours. Please say the words out loud to learn the correct pronunciation of each word. After, please complete the worksheet. 



For today's lesson, please can you practice your spellings for this weeks spelling test. Here are some activities you can do to help you learn them.











