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Clumber Class

Dear Parents and Carers


Welcome to Clumber Class, I hope you are all looking forward to this next academic year. This year as well as having myself, Miss Halpin will be helping us in class during the mornings. 

Our first topic will be Travel and Transport, where we will learn about how transport has changed over the last 100 years. We have lots of creative activities planned which I hope the children will enjoy.

As well as Travel and Transport, we will be learning about a wide range of topics this year including Castles, Fairytales and Dragons, Toys, Nurturing Nurses, Space and A Wonderful World. Each topic will have a learning overview that will be shared with parents.

PE will be taught on a Tuesday and Thursday. Some PE lessons will be outdoors so the children should bring appropriate clothing and footwear to all lessons. Please ensure that P.E kits are in school on a Monday morning.

Our reading scheme will continue from last year therefore it is important for your child to read at home at least three times a week. Please ensure you write in their diary.  Diaries will be checked on a Monday and books will be changed on a Monday and Friday.

Homework will be given on a Friday and collected on a Wednesday. The homework will be based on what we have been learning that week or researching the next week’s topic. Spellings will also be given. If you or your child have any queries about the homework please do not hesitate to contact me.

Again, please feel free to contact me if you or your child have any worries in the next year.
Miss L. Tomlinson


Design and Technology- Making Cars

Our class shoebox for Operation Christmas Child.

We enjoyed performing our nativity 'Jesus' Christmas Party' to our grown ups.

We are proud of growing our sweet pepper plants.

We enjoyed our visit from Greenwatch Fire Service

We enjoyed making our scarecrow, Neil Armstrong

We were proud to achieve our class target this half term. We enjoyed our movie pyjama afternoon.

We enjoyed presenting what we had learnt in our topic 'Toys' to the school in assembly.

We enjoyed celebrating World Book Day in Clumber Class.
