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Friday 14th May

Dear Parents/ Carers


The children have had another excellent week at school. This week the children enjoyed acting as news reports, creating a scene from our class book 'The Iron Man'. Also they have really enjoyed listening to different music by Gustav Holst and learning 'heads, shoulders, knees and toes' in french.


For their homework task this week, they will need to complete a maths worksheet about adding fractions. Also, please ensure your child is also reading at home 3 times a week, practicing their spellings, using Times Tables Rockstars to practice their times tables and preparing for their Big Write. Homework is due in on Friday 21st May by 4pm. Please email your completed homework to 


If you have any problems, please let me know.


Have a lovely weekend. 


Miss Earle


Maths Homework Task



This week, all the children have been given a reading book to read at home on Monday and to be returned the following Monday. They will get a new book to take home that day. All children should be reading at least 3 times a week. 


To record when your child has read, please complete Clumber Class's reading log. This will be checked on a Monday and a message will be sent home congratulating the children who have read at least 3 times.


Reading log: Clumber Class Reading Log


Please let me know if you have any problems.


Big Write


For our Big Write next week, we will  be writing a persuasive speech to persuade Miss Earle to let her read your favourite book to the class. Firstly, you will need to pick your favourite book. You will need to think about the exaggeration, description, adjectives and slogan you could use to make it sound exciting.  


We will be completing a similar task in class next week too.



Please visit the spellings page on Clumber Class’ website dated 'Friday 14th May' to practice your spellings for a test on Friday 21st May.


Times Tables


Please practice your times tables on Times Tables Rockstars ready for a times table test on Friday 21st May.
