Hello Thoresby,
I hope you enjoyed the VE Day celebrations, it would be wonderful to see any photos you have from the day.
Please have a look at this week's tasks below.
We are missing you all and hope everyone is still keeping safe.
Miss Hunter
Can you use these words in sentences to help you learn their meanings?
This week I would like you to have a go at writing a letter to someone.
This could be to a friend or family member you haven't seen in a while, or it could be to a doctor or hospital to thank them for their work, or to anyone else you would like.
Think about the features of a letter and wether it needs to be formal or informal depending who you are writing to.
Remember to use paragraphs and a range of punctuation.
Victory- noun
'an act of defeating an enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or other competition.'
Can you write five sentences using this word?
This week I would like you to look at the daily lessons from one of the following,
All of these sites have produced really good lessons that are clear and easy to follow for the Year 4 curriculum - choose which ever one works best for you:
BBC Bitesize Daily lessons
The Oak National Academy
White Rose Activities
These are some good prayer activities for you to complete for the Thy Kingdom Come event on the 21st of May. See the link and document below.