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Thursday 3rd



Please continue to use Times Table Rockstars. Focus on the times tables that you are finding particularly difficult.


Today in Maths we are going to be focusing on multiplying fractions by mixed numbers. Work through the PowerPoint and think about the method that you will be using. Then when you are feeling confident with this method, try the activity. 



Have a think about the features of an instructional piece of writing. What features do we see in instructions? Depending on the instructions we might see an equipment list, an ingredients list, method, numbered steps, drawings and imperative verbs. What are imperative verbs? Remember these are bossy verbs- they are telling someone to do something. Can you make a list of imperative verbs?


Then I would like you to start writing a set of instructions. These instructions can be about anything. You could focus on a set of instructions to bake your favourite cake, or a set of instructions on how to make and decorate a paper plane. Remember to include lots of detail in your instructions. 





Today you are going to be creating a travel brochure on Mexico. Use the website below to help you.
