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Week beginning: 3rd October

All things Autumnal!

This week we have been learning all about Autumn. In maths, we have been sorting and matching lots of things that we have found on our Autumn walks. Thank you to all of you who brought something in for our activities. We have been investigating which trees the leaves have fallen from and we tried to group them into different categories. We also used our collection to create some very cute hedgehogs in our creative area. The children were also very keen to learn all about hedgehogs and find out some facts about them. Can you remember where a hedgehog might live or what they like to eat?

We love reading!

We absolutely love reading in Creswell class and this week we have read so many incredible stories together. We have lots of new books in our reading area and we love sharing these stories with our friends. We have been learning how to look after our books and we have been learning how to turn the pages carefully. Each week we will choose a book from our book trolley that we will take home and share this with a grown-up. This will be called our ‘share a story’ book. 
