Let's have a go at dividing numbers by 100. The process for this is exactly the same as dividing by 10, but each of the digits jump two places to the right as there are two zeros in 100! Remember, the decimal point never moves and you should just jump over it.
Try these questions:
1. 495 ÷ 100
2. 863 ÷ 100
3. 958 ÷ 100
4. 305 ÷ 100
5. 430 ÷ 100
6. 75 ÷ 100
7. 49 ÷ 100
8. 96 ÷ 100
9. 37 ÷ 100
10. 64 ÷ 100
11. 5 ÷ 100
12. 9 ÷ 100
13. 6 ÷ 100
14. 3 ÷ 100
15. 8 ÷ 100
16. 9731.2 ÷ 100
17. 3486.7 ÷ 100
18. 266.5 ÷ 100
19. 394.7 ÷ 100
20. 250.73 ÷ 100
Next week, we will be writing a biography on a person of your choice. However, in order for this to be a biography rather than an autobiography, it cannot be about yourself.
Think about who you might like to complete your biography on. Why is this person important or relevant in your life? Is it because they are a good singer or actor or perhaps they are close family?
Write some questions that you would like to find out about this person. Think about the features that are within a biography and ensure you are writing relevant questions that would allow you to find out the information you need. If there is anything particular you would like to know, be sure to write a question for it!
Thursday's GPS task is to combine our weekly grammar focus with our spelling words. This week's grammar focus is synonyms. It has been lovely to see you completing the wordsearch and matching game from earlier on in the week.
Choose a task:
1. Write 3 sentences that include both a spelling word and a pair of synonyms.
2. Write 4 sentences that include at least one spelling word (try two!) and a pair of synonyms.
3. Write a paragraph linking all of the spelling words together and including as many synonyms as you can! Then, highlight the spelling words and synonyms you have used either by underlining the words or using a highlighter - remember accurate punctuation!
We would normally be having our PE lesson today so, as usual, please find some activities to do that involve you moving around and completing some exercise. This can be anything you like!
I have uploaded a couple of tasks you could try if you wish
Today is World Book Day which is an amazing opportunity to think about all the wonderful books we love and maybe even choose a favourite! Below are some activities related to World Book Day - these are optional tasks, but it would be great to see you completing at least one of them.
Take some time today to think about your favourite books - what do you love about them? What type of writing do you enjoy the most? Maybe you like a particular author? Send me some details about your ideas