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Maths - Starter Task


In our Maths lesson, we now complete a task called Fluent in Five. The task is timed for 5 minutes.

Maths - Main Activity


This week in maths, we are learning about Addition and Subtraction.


For our maths lesson today, we will be recapping column subtraction with 2 digit numbers. 


Please watch the video and have a go at the worksheets.





For our EGPS lesson, we will be focusing on how to identify and use the correct article, ‘a’ or ‘an’, before a word.


I would like you to have a go at the Natural curriculum lesson. It is split into 4 parts. You will need a pencil and a piece of paper. 




Firstly, I would like you to watch the video about Bonobo's. There is also a challenge activity at the bottom of the page.


Secondly, please click on '2 - The Grammar Bit'. Please read the information and have a go at the activity.


The third section is called 'Whiteboard Challenges'. You will need a piece of paper for these tasks.


After, please complete the worksheet - use section 4 'Writing Ideas' to help you.
