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Week beginning 13th July

Topic Tasks - Ancient Egypt

Active Learn - Bug Club


On Active Learn, the children can assess games relating to Maths, Science, Grammar and Spellings, as well as Reading. All children also have access to reading books on their book band level. Individual login's have been sent through MarvellousMe as well as the link to the login page, which can also be found here:

Weekly Maths Tasks


White Rose Hub have created a home learning section which includes 5 maths lessons. The children can watch the 5 minute video explaining the task and then complete the work sheet. They are providing 5 lessons per week which follows the Year 3 curriculum. 

Weekly Writing Task


This week I would like you to write a story based on this picture.


Meet Cliff. Think about:

  • What would you say to him? What might he say to you?
  • What is Cliff like (his personality, his voice, his behaviour)?
  • What does Cliff enjoy doing? Does he like to travel? Does he have any friends?
  • Has Cliff changed over time?/How was Cliff created? [link to Science/rocks]
  • What events has Cliff seen? [link to History]
  • Why is Cliff a good name for this character?
  • Can you create and illustrate any other characters following this theme?













Word of the Week


privilege (noun)


meaning- a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.


Can you write 5 sentences with the word privilege?  

BBC Bitesize Daily


BBC Bitesize have created daily lessons for the children to do which follow the Year 3 curriculum. They include daily maths and English lessons and 1 topic lesson.


Oak National Academy


Similar to White Rose Maths, Oak National Academy have designed an online classroom where they are uploading a range of lessons each week tailored towards the year 3 curriculum. These include 5 English and Maths lessons and a range of foundation subjects including Science, History and Modern Foreign Languages.  This may be a resource that you would like to use at home throughout the next couple of weeks.


R.E. Resources


Natre is a website where you will find free resources and activities to complete during this home learning period. It covers a range of aspects relating to Religious Education and has lots of fun activities for the children to do.
