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Some of our Diversity Champions

Our next Diversity Champions project is to create ways in which the Protected Characteristics can be displayed in each classroom and around school in a child-friendly way. We will keep you updated with our progress! 

Here is the work from our Year 4 Champions - it is proudly displayed in their classroom for all to see!

Our Year 4 children have been using Premier League Primary Stars to learn more about racism and inclusion in football.

Our new ‘Amazing Achievements’ display is beginning to take shape! Here we celebrate our out of school achievements and the uniqueness of our children.

Two of our Year 6 Champions read 'Ella, Queen of Jazz' to our Year 2 children and asked some amazing questions! We talked about how the amazing Ella Fitzgerald overcame adversity and discrimination to pursue her dreams. We discussed how we shouldn't discrimate against anyone and reminded ourselves about the Protected Characteristics. Amazing work, Champions!

Two of Diversity Champions reading Greta and the Giants to Creswell Class

This inspiring picture book retells the story of Nobel Peace Prize nominee Greta Thunberg – the Swedish teenager who has led a global movement to raise awareness about the world’s climate crisis.

Some new books for our Diversity Library to celebrate Women's History Month!

Our Champions delivered an assembly to the rest of the school where they explained what we have already done, what we are planning to do next and they encouraged children to bring new ideas to them for us to implement across the curriculum!

Our new Anti-Bullying display for the 2023-2024 academic year is now complete! Each child in the school completed their own picture, which was then added to the 'Horton Hears a Who' themed display. Our Diversity Champions then added the mouths on each corner and wrote their own quotes to rhyme. This display represents us all coming together to speak out about bullying, and how everyone's voice is equally as important.

Black History Month 

For Black History Month this October, our Diversity Champions have been working hard preparing PowerPoint presentations and posters about key individuals throughout History. They have researched and created all of their own work, which has then been shared with their class. 

Our Y3 Diversity Champions have worked hard to present information about Nelson Mandela.

Our Y4 Diversity Champions researched all about Black History Month and presented it to the class. Well done!

Our Y5 Diversity Champions presenting their work and setting a task relating to Martin Luther King.

Year 6


As part of Black History month, our Diversity Champions created a PowerPoint to teach their classmates more information about Martin Luther King and the Windrush Generation. Our champions did a fantastic job at taking the children through the PowerPoint, including interactive videos and quizzes.

Windrush Child



This half term we have enjoyed our topic 'Migrating to Britain' where we have focused on the Windrush Generation. As a class we have enjoyed studying Windrush Child. We enjoyed learning about Leonard's journey to England from Jamaica and how he was able to overcome discrimination. 
