Dear Children and Parents,
Welcome to Welbeck Class for the school year 2017-2018. I am Mr Delafield, the class teacher for year 5 and year 6. I am really looking forward to the learning this year.
As well as myself, Mrs Dilks and Mrs Bellamy will be working with the class.
This term the class will also be working with DARE Officer Nickie Anthony. The DARE sessions will start on Friday 15th September.
PE will be taught on Tuesday and Wednesday. This will be taught by Tony McManus on Wednesday with a games focus. On Tuesday I will be teaching the class to develop dance, gymnastic and athletic skills. Children should have their school PE kits with them on these days each week.
Homework will be given out on a Friday. This is to be completed by the following Friday. On Monday we will check reading diaries, although the children should have their diaries every day.
This year we will be working on six topics. The Autumn term topics are “The Seaside” and “Structures”. In Spring term we will look at “Ancient Maya” and “Arts and Crafts”. In the Summer term the topics will be “The Swinging 60s” and “Raging Rivers”.
In our RE work we will begin by looking at the Christian concept of God being holy and loving.
The SATs tests for the Y6 children on the week beginning 14th May 2018.
Yours sincerely,
Mr P. Delafield.