Our first Pupil of the Term was awarded this half term and it goes to this superstar for being such an excellent role model to others! Her friends have noticed how kind, helpful and thoughtful she is and also commented on how hard she works in lessons and what a great listener she is. Well done!
Our Pupil of the Week this week has been chosen for writing an excellent letter in our English lessons! She worked super hard independently and thought carefully about her spellings and punctuation. The content of the letter was fantastic, written from the perspective of a soldier in World War One. I was super impressed with the thought that had gone into this letter and the listening that had taken place in lessons across the curriculum.
This Pupil of the Week has been making such excellent progress across the curriculum, most notably in his reading and writing. He has been working super hard at home as well as at school, taking lots of opportunities to practise spellings, number formation, reading and writing and this is clear to see in the way that he has developed already this year. Amazing effort in every way - well done!
This week our superstar has been chosen for showing an excellent commitment to learning and a super attitude in the classroom! He has worked really hard across the curriculum and really impressed me by completing extra reading comprehension practise after asking for some more work to do. An excellent attitude that will stand you in good stead for the future - keep it up!
Our Pupil of the Week this week has been chosen for embodying all of our Golden Expectations and for being a wonderful individual. She is always ready to learn and listens carefully to others. She is kind, thoughtful and caring and is always there to help her friends. We are super lucky to have her in Rufford Class!
This week's Pupil of the Week is such a good role model for the rest of Rufford Class because he is always ready to learn and listens very carefully during each lesson. He is quiet and thoughtful during lessons and is also very sociable during break times, showing an excellent understanding of how to behave whilst at school. An excellent example, well done!
Our very first Pupil of the Week has been awarded for a super start to the school year! He worked hard for the whole week and listened really well, also waiting for his turn to speak. A super attitude - keep it up