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Homework - 10.05.2024

Homework set: Friday 10th May 2024


Homework due: Wednesday 15th May 2024


Dear Parents/Carers,


Thoresby Class have had a lovely week. We have been working extremely hard developing our writing stamina whilst focusing on including the grammatical structures we have been learning about such as subordinating and coordinating conjunctions. The children have used their knowledge that they have learnt about news blogs and have started writing their own news blog based on something they are interested in. In Maths, the children have been learning how to compare and order decimals.



For your homework this week, I have uploaded a times table game to Purple Mash in addition to the worksheet for you to go through with your grown-ups. Please try to time the times tables, so the children can develop their pace and accuracy. 


Homework is due in on Wednesday 15th March 2024. 



Please continue to encourage your child to read at least three times a week and record it in your child's diary. Each week your child will get sticker on their bookmark if they have read three times. 


Please can your child bring their reading book and reading diary to school everyday. Reading books will continue to be changed on a Friday.



This weeks spellings: supermarket, superstar, superhuman, antiseptic, anticlockwise, antisocial, autobiography, autograph, automatic, superhero


Here is the link to the website: 


Times Table Test

On a Friday, Thoresby Class will be having a times table test. For this week, please can your child continue to practise all of the times tables ready for their test on Friday 17th May. Please try and encourage your child to use Times Tables Rockstar to practice their times tables.


If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


I hope you all have a great weekend!


Miss C. Browes
