For your Maths task today, we are going to be focusing on column addition.
Please watch the video and have a go at the questions on the a spare piece of paper. After, please complete the worksheet. You can use the PowerPoint to help you.
Please practice your times tables on Times Tables Rockstar.
For your English task today, please read the Nativity Story. It is in the PowerPoint.
Once you have read the story, please rewrite your own version. You need to add in lots of exciting adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, punctuation, speech and time conjunctions.
I can't wait to read all your stories!
Today, I would like you to complete your spelling test. Please complete this with a grown up. Your grown up needs read the words to you or even read it in a sentence. Then you can mark it together.
For your topic task today, I would like you draw your own reindeer or Christmas tree. Please carefully copy the picture. Once you have drawn it, please decorate it. You could colour it, paint it or use lot of different materials.