Please have a go at todays arithmetic task. You may take as long as you need on the questions.
This week in maths, we will be learning about money.
For maths today, we will be learning about pounds and pence. Please watch the video for pounds and pence and complete the worksheet.
To finish the lesson, please have a go at this game:
Please use the coin picture to help you.
For English this week and next week, we will be planning and writing a biography about Captain Sir Tom Moore.
Today, we will be looking at features of a biography. Do you know what a biography is? A biography is written about a person's life. We are going to focus on inspirational people who have contributed to the world and made it a better place.
Please watch the video about biographies.
After, please use the checklist and find all the features in the text. Remember to highlight and label each feature.
For computing today, I would like you to have a go at the 2do on Purple Mash called 'Rainforest - 2DIY3D'. It is a game where you need to use the keys on your keyboard to save all the rainforest animals.
After you have completed the 2Do, I would like you to have a go at creating your own Rainforest games. It is in the 2Do section.
You will need to design your game. It has to relate to the Rainforest. You also need to think of a title for your game and write a set of instructions.
Please watch the video which explains how to play the game:
I can't wait to play your game.
In EGPS, we are now going to continue to learn about plurals.
Please follow the video for this lesson:
It is a very interactive lesson. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil. Please follow the video and have a go at all the different activities.
This week is Children's Mental Health week and over the week we are going to be completing a wellness journal each day.
We will be exploring how we are feeling, our goals for the day, anything we could be worried about, anything we are grateful for and the best thing that has happened during the day.
Here is your journal for today: