Please find today's arithmetic questions and answers attached. Please view the PowerPoint in full screen or 'view slideshow' as the answers are animated to appear for the children to check their work when they have finished.
In Maths, we are continuing our long division work.
Please follow the video to help you answer the worksheet.
If you need more help with the method, please look at the Maths help PowerPoint added yesterday. This includes a screen recording of me completing an example for you to follow.
For GPS we are continuing our work with different types of pronouns. Please use the PowerPoint and then select either Bronze, Silver or Gold for a task to complete.
If you need a reminder, have another look at the video - it is the second one on the page, The Egyptian Pyramids.
Once you have watched it, this time I would like you to think about the object that is discovered, the 'remote control'.
I would like you to write a paragraph to explain what it is, how it works, who it belonged to and what they used it for.
I have made a template to help you organise your ideas before you put these together into a paragraph.
The Egyptians were famous for building pyramids. We are going to learn more about these in topic on Thursday. For art, I would like you to have a go at sketching a 3D pyramid or a group of Pyramids. Please use the tutorial video as well as the presentation attached to learn how to do this, then be creative!
I can't wait to see your artwork.