This lesson we will be creating our own shop in order to put into real life context what we have learnt so far this week. If we were in school we would have found items within the classroom and priced them up based on what we know of the value of money. So, have a look around your house and see if you can find items you would like to sell and put a realistic price on all of these items. Ask a grown up if they can come to your shop and buy some items! Think about how you will calculate change and, if you have some available, you could run it like a real life shop where you sell items and give change.
Send me a photo of your shop set up - perhaps I could virtually buy some items and you could give me some change via email!
Log on to Purple Mash and have a go at some of the activities on there. These are linked to our learning this week. I have also set some typing 2Dos for you to have a go at - enjoy!
Have a look at Chapter 6 of our class book - Augustus Gloop finding a Golden Ticket! Listen to the words used to describe Augustus - can you picture him in your mind based on what you hear? What adjectives would you use to describe him? I have attached a video clip underneath so you can generate some ideas about what he is like.
The task today is to write a character description of Augustus Gloop. Think about previous character descriptions we have written and what we have included - details about appearance, personality, background, how they move, how they speak perhaps. Remember to include lots of descriptive vocabulary, including similes and metaphors if you can. I have uploaded a video of similes and metaphors to remind you if you need it.
I can't wait to read your descriptions - you can even add a picture too if you would like
Today we are going to be completing a reading comprehension that is focused on inference. I have uploaded a teaching video below to remind you about inference. Then, have a go at the questions once you have read the attached text. Send your answers to the usual address!