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Clumber Class


Welcome to Clumber class!
Year 2

Our topic for this half-term is:
Exploration and Journeys



Curriculum Overview:

We have got a very exciting half-term planned! We will be:
  • Exploring the Galapagos Islands and other 'new lands' in geography
  • Discovering more about significant individuals in history, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Sir Edmund Hillary and Neil Armstrong
  • Thinking about Jesus' journeys in RE as well as ourselves and our life journeys so far in PSHCE
  • Writing letters and instructional texts in literacy, before moving on to poetry and stories by Julia Donaldson 
  • Investigating plants in science
  • Enjoying lots of surprises in expressive arts (music, art and design technology)
Important Information:


  • PE takes place on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings; however, we ask that PE kits are on school throughout the week. 
  • Please read aloud to a grown-up at least three times a week, and record it your reading diary on the appropriate page, in order to achieve a sticker for your Reading Rangers bookmark. Reading diaries will be checked on a Monday. 
  • Homework is set on a Wednesday and due the following Monday. 
  • Spellings will be tested on Monday and Big Write will take place on Tuesday - please make sure that you are always well-prepared!

Home-School Communication:

To enable our children to grow from little acorns into great oaks, home-school relations are very important. If you have any questions or concerns at all, no matter how 'small', please feel free to drop me a note at the beginning of the school day, to speak with me at home time, or to arrange a convenient time for a longer conversation. 

Thank you very much for your continued support.

Miss White
