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Week beginning 26th April 2021


This week in Maths we have been continuing with our learning about percentages. We have started to understand how to find a percentage of a number and how to find a percentage of a missing value. We then applied our skills to percentage word problems.



In English we have continued to read our class text 'Cosmic'. We have started to identify the themes running through the book including peer pressure, being different and bullying. The children started to write from the main characters perspective.



This week in DARE, Officer Cable spoke to the children about peer pressure and emotions. He spoke about different scenarios in which can make them feel stressed and asked the children ways in which they could deal with the stress. 



In Art we have been continuing with our pastel drawings of the planets. We have spoken about the distance between the planets and compared the sizes. The children thought carefully about the colours they would use when adding detail to each planet. 



In Science we have started to learn facts about each of the eight planets. 
