Please have a go at today's arithmetic task. You may take as long as you need on the questions.
This week in maths, we will be focusing on our new topic - Fractions.
For maths today, we will be learning how to recognise and find a half. The listen will be split into two parts.
The first part of the lesson we will be learning how to recognise a half. Please watch the video and complete the worksheet.
The second part of the lesson we will be learning how to find a half. Again, please watch the video and complete the worksheet.
This week in English, we are going to re-write the 'Stone Age Boy'. Today, we are going to focus on the introduction.
As we are re-writing the 'Stone Age Boy', we still need use the story but add in extra details to make it even more exciting. If you can't remember the beginning of the story, I have attached the PowerPoint below.
For an introduction, we need to make it exciting and interesting so it draws in the reader's attention, making them want to read more. It introduces the main character and sets the scene for the story.
For your introduction, you will need to explain how the boy found himself in the Stone Age and when he first met Om.
You can use your ideas to collected yesterday to help you.
Please remember to use:
expanded noun phrases, adverbs, verbs, time conjunctions, conjunctions (FANBOYS and A WHITE BUS), sentence openers, paragraphs and key vocabulary.
For example:
One misty, miserable day, I was walking through a mysterious, dark forest. Suddenly I felt myself falling and falling and falling, I was terrified! I fell down a deep, mysterious, gloomy hole before landing in the middle of a sharp, dangerous rock pile. 'What has just happened?' I thought to myself when I woke up.
Today in science, we will be learning how rocks form.
Please watch the video to recap the three different types of rocks. After, please read through the PowerPoint to learn about how the 3 types of rocks are formed as well as the cycle of rocks. Then, please complete the worksheet.
For todays lesson, we will be learning the days of the week.
Please watch the video learn how to pronounce the days of week and then complete the activity.
In EGPS, we are now going to recap apostrophes for contractions and singular possession.
Please follow the video for this lesson:
It is a very interactive lesson. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil. Please follow the video and have a go at all the different activities.