Due to the changing situation relating to COVID-19, we have had to make a few changes to our Christmas performance.
- It will still be taking place at St Luke's Church on Tuesday 7th December at 6pm, however there will now be a limit of 4 people coming with each child. This is due to the numbers we can safely fit inside church whilst still allowing for social distancing to take place as much as possible.
- As children will be singing as part of the performance, we are asking that the first two pews on both sides of the church are kept free to reduce the possibility of aerosol droplets being transmitted.
- Visitors are advised to wear a face mask throughout their time in church, unless medically exempt. We are also advising adults to take a lateral flow test before attending.
- Please do not send your children to the performance if they are feeling unwell or showing any symptoms of COVID-19.
- The church doors will remain open throughout the performance to aid ventilation and ventilation will be monitored. Please ensure children will be warm enough during the performance. They will need to leave their coats with grown ups for the performance.
- When you arrive with your children, please could you send them to the front of the church where Miss Earle and I will be waiting. They will then head to their performance position ready to start. If children need the toilet throughout the performance, they will need to be taken by their grown ups.
- At the end of the performance we will release children back to you from the front of the church. Please remain where you are and children will come to you rather than adults coming forward to collect children. This will ensure that we are keeping as much distance from others as possible.
I hope this is all OK, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. We are pleased that the performance is still able to go ahead and parents can join us, but we will be following the above guidance in order to keep everybody as safe as we possibly can.
For our Christmas performance this year, we will be joining up with Clumber Class (Year 3) to put on a show for parents and carers. As part of this, we will be singing songs and the links to these are below. Children will need to practise these songs at home as well as in school as the lyrics will not be shown on the day and we would like them to sing loudly and confidently!
The performance is at St Luke's Church on Tuesday 7th December at 6pm. You do not need tickets for this event, but we hope to see you there! Children need to come to the performance in their uniforms please. If you have any questions, please email thoresby@st-lukes.notts.sch.uk or catch me on the playground after school