Rule: words with ending that sound like shuhl after a vowel letter
Practise spelling these words ready for our spelling test on Friday.
Today, we are going to be learning about simple and compound sentences including clauses, simple sentences, coordinating conjunction and compound sentences. Use the link below to watch a video and then complete the task.
Listen to chapter 21:
Jim is now with the Juglini's circus. The description of the opening of the circus in chapter 21 sounds quite magical. Close your eyes and listen to the start of chapter 21 again.
- Can you imagine what it would have looked like?
- Can you imagine how Jim would have felt?
Activity- Look through the PowerPoint about the features of a comic book strip. Today, I would like you to create a comic book strip based on chapter 21. Please add colour and speech.
Now listen to chapter 22 in preparation for tomorrow:
Starter- Mental arithmetic. Set yourself a timer and try to complete as many questions as you can in 10 minutes. Remember to use methods that you have been taught.
This week we are going to be learning about coordinates. By the end of the week you will be able to write the correct coordinates to a point, plot coordinates and answering problems.
Work through the PowerPoint below before completing the tasks.
Today we are going to take part in Internet Safety Day 2021. Please see your 2dos on Purplemash for your work.
We review and complete our work about human rights and social justice this week.
Look at the PowerPoint to review your learning and for your task today.