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Information for Families with Siblings in Two or More Classes

Dear parent / carers,


As there are 26 families with two or more siblings who attend St. Luke’s, we recognise that bringing / collecting each of your children at the allocated time for their class bubble might prove difficult. If at all possible, it would be in the best interest of your child for them to arrive and depart alongside their class bubble in order to minimise disruption for them; however, teachers will accommodate the varying arrival / departure times and ensure that no learning is missed (all children will be in school for the same amount of time).


If you would prefer / need to drop off and collect your children at the same time, you should follow the earliest admission and collection time. Please see the hierarchy of drop off and collection detailed below:


  1. If you have a child in Sherwood Class (in addition to a child / children in any other class), you should drop all your children off at 8.30am (following the instructions on the Sherwood Class letter) and collect all children at 3.00pm (again following the instructions on the Sherwood Class letter).
  2. If you have a child in either Welbeck Class or Clumber Class (in addition to a child / children in any other class – apart from Sherwood), you should drop all your children off at 8.45am (following the instructions on the Welbeck / Clumber Class letter) and collect all children at 3.15pm (again following the instructions on the Welbeck / Clumber Class letter).
  3. If you have a child in either Rufford Class or Creswell Class (in addition to a child / children in any other class – apart from Sherwood, Welbeck or Clumber), you should drop all your children off at 9.00am (following the instructions on the Rufford / Creswell Class letter) and collect all children at 3.30pm (again following the instructions on the Rufford / Creswell Class letter).


In order for teachers to plan appropriately, please email the office (giving at least one week’s notice) if you intend to drop off and collect all of your children at the same time as detailed above. Therefore, please email by Thursday 27th August 2020 at the latest if you wish to drop off and collect all of your children at the same time on the first day of school in September (of course, you may email sooner if you know that this will be necessary for you).


Also feel free to email any questions regarding this to the office and we will be able to provide more specific instructions for your individual children if necessary.


