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  • Wider reopening of school-Update Wednesday 10th June

    Wed 10 Jun 2020

    We hope that you are all safe and well. Following recent government announcements about further easing of the lockdown, the requests that we have received for childcare places for key worker children have increased greatly. This week we have two bubbles of these groups of children in operation and this is currently utilising all staff that we have available to work on the school site. Further liaison with unions is taking place in order to try to agree the return of staff that may facilitate a further bubble operating. Please be aware that places will be limited should this become a possibility due to trying to keep all staff and children as safe as possible. Key workers requesting places will be asked to only take up the space if they have no other option and to provide proof of eligibility. Due to the increased requests at this point it is extremely unlikely  that we will be able to invite children in F2/ Y1 or Y6 into school before the end of term. Should the position of the school or government requirements change, we will invite children in order of the priority outlined by the government. Thank you for your continued support for the school staff and others at this difficult time.

  • Update about Wider Reopening of School

    Mon 01 Jun 2020
    I hope you are all well and have enjoyed the fantastic weather over the last week. I will continue to update you but today have no further information since my last message during half-term. School is still only open for the children of key workers and children who are vulnerable. These children must continue to take priority (in accordance with the government guidelines) and as we continue to establish staffing (taking account of vulnerabilities and union advice), it still remains unclear how many additional children it will be safe and feasible to invite back to school. As soon as I have more information to share with you I will. All members of the St. Luke's team want children back in school as soon as it is safe to happen but it is not that time yet. I have completed risk assessments and a detailed plan (although this has already changed several times in order to follow changes to government guidelines) showing staggered start, break and collection times and we are still in the process of ordering and waiting for deliveries of essential cleaning materials and other items necessary to keep children and staff as safe as possible. Additional cleaning routines will need to be established and this is currently also being investigated. The school environment and routines will be very different for children who do return as we will be following social distancing guidelines and the activities that the children can undertake both inside and outdoors will also be determined by safety aspects. When the decision is made that it is safe to invite more children into school, plans will be shared with parents / carers and children in a clear and easy to understand format in order to make the return to school as easy and risk free as possible. Where there are still any perceived risks these will be presented in a transparent manner and it will then be your decision as parents / carers to decide if the time is right for your child to start to attend school again. As previously stated, the 8th June will be the earliest that any additional children will be invited into school and I will let you know at the earliest opportunity if this will or will not be happening for children in the F2, Y1 and Y6 year groups.
